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Global Universities
Find the right course for you
Ask your questions on the spot
Many institutions
Over 6
8 Seminars
Stay connected after the event
Forget about taking notes, or juggling heavy brochures
All the information you need - from institutions and their programs to photos & videos - can be easily accessed with a quick scan of the QR codes at their physical booths.
The best part is that whatever you scan is saved to your account in The Student World App. This allows you to check it again as often as you like, keeping connections and conversations flowing.
By joining The Student World Expo, you are not only signing up for an event: we have a whole experience planned for you.
Take our Study Abroad Match Quiz and discover in 1 minute which institutions attending the event fit with your preferences the best!
Straight to the point - you and the institution, talking about your needs & your future.
Need guidance in studying abroad? We have a full agenda of seminars waiting for you!
Take our Study Abroad Match Quiz and discover in 1 minute which institutions attending the event fit with your preferences the best!
Straight to the point - you and the institution, talking about your needs & your future.
Need guidance in studying abroad? We have a full agenda of seminars waiting for you!
Get guidance and advice about studying abroad straight from universities and government agencies
Internacionalização do percurso acadêmico: descubra quais oportunidades na França podem contribuir nessa decisão
2:00pm - 2:30pm
O Campus France Brasil, agência oficial do governo francês, apresentará as oportunidades de estudos no país europeu, para todas as áreas e níveis de formação, vinculado aos acordos de cooperação local e possibilidades de extensão acadêmica. Conheça as oportunidades existentes e a política de atratividade do governo francês: graduação, pós-graduação e pesquisa. Apresentaremos ainda as oportunidades de financiamento e bolsas de estudos destinadas aos projetos de estudos na França e informações práticas sobre visto e dicas do cotidiano francês.
Study in Sweden
2:40pm - 3:10pm
Learn more about the Swedish system of higher education and how studying in Sweden will contribute positively to your professional career as well as about the Swedish culture, innovation ecosystem and business in Brazil.
Your 5 Steps to U.S Study
3:20pm - 3:50pm
Explore educational options and find the perfect institution for your goals. Discover funding opportunities and access a list of university financial aid options. Prepare your application by understanding necessary documents and requirements. Familiarize yourself with U.S. student visa requirements and allow ample time for preparation. Lastly, get ready for departure with essential pre-arrival document gathering and ensuring compliance with immigration regulations
Aotearoa Nova Zelândia – um país, inúmeras possibilidades!
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Conheça todas as opções de cursos para o seu intercâmbio na Aotearoa Nova Zelândia, país de língua inglesa que melhor educa para o futuro
More em cidades menores no Canadá. Conheça os incríveis diferenciais que uma cidade menor pode trazer para você!
4:40pm - 5:10pm
Tudo sobre Mercado de Engenharia no Canadá! Webinar junto à Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Canadá!
Educação na Austrália: experiência e oportunidades
5:20pm - 5:50pm
Educação de qualidade, reputação internacional por suas descobertas e inovações, qualidade de vida e diversidade cultural, fazem da Austrália um dos destinos mais procurados por estudantes de todo o mundo. Venha descobrir o que faz este país tão especial!
Estudar na Espanha
6:00pm - 6:30pm
"Estudar na Espanha", com informações práticas sobre o acesso à universidade espanhola (50 públicas e quase 40 particulares), os cursos universitários, as condições do visto de estudantes e o modo de vida (residências universitárias, atividades extracurriculares, nível de vida, etc.) na Espanha.
Estudar no Canadá – processo de solicitação de visto.
6:40pm - 7:10pm
O departamento de Imigração, Refugiados e Cidadania do Consulado Geral do Canadá em São Paulo fará uma apresentação sobre o processo de solicitação de visto, assim como sobre os requisitos e documentos necessários para estudar no país. Esta apresentação será uma oportunidade única para você descobrir as vantagens comparativas do sistema de imigração canadense que tornam o país o destino ideal para estudantes internacionais.
With thousands of options out there, we are here to help you make the right decision.
Our Study Abroad Matching tool will show you which institutions attending this event fit your needs best.
It only takes two steps
When registering for this event, take our quick quiz to let us know about your unique preferences and let our technology do the rest
Then use your time at The Student World Expo to get in touch with your matching institutions and ask all the questions that matter to you
When registering for this event, take our quick quiz to let us know about your unique preferences and let our technology do the rest
Then use your time at The Student World Expo to get in touch with your matching institutions and ask all the questions that matter to you
Integrated with The Student World
app to give you MORE!
Post-event via the app, you can....
Keep talking with institutions you talked with at the event
Keep talking with institutions you talked with at the event
Access all materials from all exhibitors
Stay on track with shortlisting
Stay on track with shortlisting
Clutter-free interface
We are
The Student World
25 years of experience organizing study abroad events and leading the industry
Since 1997 we have been helping students like you to find the best-fit opportunities abroad, continuously evolving. Learn about our story!
Greener events
for a better world
Our fairs focus on providing accessible, digital materials of attending institutions. This means you are helping to reduce the negative impact on the environment as everything you need is just one QR code away: forget about all those heavy, wasteful brochures!
Any Questions?
Check out our FAQ below
To participate, just register on this website. When you arrive at The Student World Expo physically, you will be able to talk directly with the representatives of institutions and ask all the questions you have about studying abroad in general as well as specific institutions.
Yes! But you must register to access the event. You cannot just turn up on the day. After you register, you will have your entry ticket emailed to you and available in The Student World app. You must show this when you arive so you can be admitted to the venue.
Yes - and yes. Everybody who wants to attend the event must show their ticket (QR code) when they arrive. Only children under 13 do not need it. Remember that each registration is unique to the person who registered and is non-transferable.
Promotion for this event is done primarily online. All information about the event including details on the exhibitors and any seminars can be found right here on this website.
It is essential that all visitors to the event complete their own registration online. If you have further queries about this, contact us at
No. We encourage you to use your phone to show the QR code in your email (or event better, in The Student World app). This avoids unnecessary waste of paper and reduces the environmental impact of the event.
Yes, contact us at confirming the email address you registered with - but you can simply access your QR code via the Student World app if you are a student.
You can arrive at any time within the timeframe for the event. But we recommend you don't arrive too late so that you have time to visit all the institutions that interest you.
Most likely, yes. Here on this website or in The Student World app you can check the list of exhibitors that will be present and find out about the opportunities they offer. Then you can approach them with your specific questions on the day of the event.
Depending on the speakers, the seminars will be presented in either English or the local language of the audience.
Information about scholarships specifically and financial matters in general can be obtained by speaking directly with the representatives of the institutions.
No, no animals of any kind can enter the venue with the exception of service animals.
No, the organizers do not provide transportation to or from the event.
Unfortunately we cannot offer participation certificates at this time.
If you scan exhibitors' QR codes at their table or on their banners, you will be instantly connected with them in The Student World app where you will be able to view all their materials and keep talking with representatives after the event is over. Also, any exhibitors that scanned the QR code on your badge will also be able to contact you directly after the event.